Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Better late than never

Here is block 3 of the mystery quilt along.

Block 4, which consists of two blocks is already up so I am a little behind!  Now, I am not sure if I have made an error, in not having any white in this block

When its up against the other two blocks it seems very loud, as it isn't broken up by the white.  I do like all these dotty colours next to each other though.  But I will have to move on to new orange, green and yellows as I have just about run out of dots!  I do have some more zesty fabric waiting in the wings

So, I will see what the rest of the blocks come up like and how I use the colours and it may be that I will change the yellow squares to white: we'll see.
Beccy is in London tonight with school, see Legally Blonde, so I am picking her up from school about midnight :-( I was going to crack on with block 4, but I am tired, so it would end up very messy!

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