Sunday 22 May 2011

Any ideas?

I have started to make things with the huge stash of fabric that was left for me by the volunteers of Farleigh Hospice, hope I am making what they need!

The cushion covers were very easy to do, especially the grey one, as I rekon this material was a sample for cushion covers (and/or curtains)   

I thought I would go patchwork on the cushions as well, which I enjoyed doing, although the material is really silky and frays so easily - there were bits of thread everywhere!

I have so much of this material, that there will be a lot more cushions.  I am also thinking table runners.

This material was much easier to manange as it is a heavier cotton.

So, any other ideas as to what I can make out of all of this - all ideas gratefully recieved!

1 comment:

  1. I think that the fabric looks really hard to work with!! How about table mats as well as runners. For people to use on a tray if that is how they have their meals. Bolster cushions or something like that for sitting up in bed? Not sure if I am helping here! Great work on your part though.


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