Wednesday, 18 May 2011

It's a small world

On saturday Jenny and I visited the local flower festival and craft fair at the church.  One of stalls had a variety of sewn and knitted items and I got talking to the lady there about sewing.  Turns out the stall was for Farleigh Hospice, which has several hospices in the area.  They have a group of ladies, who meet once a month and make things for fetes and fairs etc.  Unfortunately they meet in the afternoon - no good to me as I am at work.  So, she said she had some material that had been donated, that she could drop off to me and I could see what I could make from it 

This is what was dropped off to me today!  There is masses of material

The material has all been donated by the Curtain House, in Tiptree.  A lovely little shop in the village, that makes up curtains, cushions and also sells some gorgeous 'nick nacks'

These are all swatches of curtain and cushion material that were surplus to her requirements and she has donated.

I can't wait to get started, I have so many ideas already and how fantastic will it be to sew for such a good cause instead of sewing because I have an addiction :-)

Anyway..... I am busy telling this lady where I live so she can drop it off .... and it turns out she is the daughter of my next door but one neighbour, Charlie.  I soon as she told me I could see the resemblance!  Charlie is an amazing neighbour, he is in 80's and mows the front lawn for me and my other neighbour, passes on spare plants to me and always has a chat and a wave.  The girls cook him up fudge and truffles at christmas. 

So, that is where my small world comes from!  Bet those of you with children (any age) saw my title and starting singing that Disney song in your head - he, he!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hate that song! But I like your story. It is a small world and nice when these coincidences occur. And how nice that you get to play with different, interesting, fun fabrics for a good cause. Now that is a win win situation. Lucky you and the hospices.


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