Saturday, 26 January 2013

Thank you

So I had a change of heart with my DWR. I just wasn't feeling the love when I started sewing and I knew it was the background fabric. So I broke my 'no new fabric' rule

I justified it by telling myself after all that work on putting these scraps together, I didn't want to look at it and hate it. I like this sooooooo much more!

I threw away all my old exam papers today - after all, I won't need them again :-). Thank you all for your lovely comments.  I thought I would have a give-away, to say thank you to you all for your encouragement over the last couple of years-honestly, its encouragement that has kept me going

Its not anything amazing.... A load of scraps, a panel and a cathedral windows pincushion that I made. I love receiving other peoples scraps, so I hope someone will enjoy these. I have more scraps to sort through, so will be adding to the pile


  1. Your EPP looks amazing against your new background fabric - and yes, that rule can be broken if there is a danger of not liking the quilt top!!

  2. I love your new background (but you know that!) and Annabella's right, if you don't think/know you're going to like the quilt top then the 'no new fabric' rule is suspended!

  3. Wow! The change in background really makes a difference. It is beautiful. Di x

  4. Wow the purple background is much more vibrant! And yes I agree especially for such a special quilt with so many hours in it, you can't compromise on fabric if it isn't how you want it to be. Look forward to seeing the new brighter wedding ring quilt develop!

  5. It's beautiful with the purple!

  6. Oh the quilt is going to be so beautiful. The piecing stands out so well on the background fabric.

    I have cheered you along the past two years because I have so much admired your dedication and drive to do this. You are a great example to the rest of us. It's a lovely giveaway you are doing, but please know I am just happy to be your bloggy friend too.

  7. The purple looks terrific - totally worth getting perfect first time!

  8. I love the backing you've chosen. You're so right you have to love every bit of a quilt you've laboured on otherwise you'll always regret the bits you're not so keen on.

  9. Oh the new background fabric is spot on! Amazing what a difference it make and you are so right to make sure you're going to love the finish after all the effort you've put in! Fab decision.

  10. Stunning wedding ring quilt. You definitely need to love it, when you put so much work into it.

  11. yes, you were right, the purple is much better. Not that I like purple or anything..

    And well done on completing those exams and getting through! Hurrah!

  12. This backing is perfect! Resolutions are made to broken ;)

  13. The darker colour will really give your quilt some zing.
    Does the no new fabric resolution still count if it's to help finish a project ?
    I thought it only applied to new projects ??


  14. I love the new background even more.
    You are definitely going to love it when you have completed it.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    I would seriously love a Cathedral Window pincushion.

  15. I can't believe you have managed to make this while studying! It looks amazing.

  16. New background looks good. Scraps look brilliant, I can never have enough of them.....though if I made more stuff, I would probably be sick of them.


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