I have been trying to finish all my outstanding projects before I start on anything new. One of the outstanding projects is my ET block. I took a long time to find the right fabrics to get the look that I wanted but got there eventually and am now ready to quilt this block and turn it into a cushion
I have a few other projects that I am finishing off too, but will show those another time. I am fitting my jobs in around the olympics. The opening ceromony was just amazing and, like so many others, I was very proud to be british. I am currently watching the diving, the girls are very talented
One of my jobs was to repaint the decking. I started yesterday afternoon and got up early to finish off as I knew rain was forecast. Not only did we have rain, we had hail. There is about 3 hours between the pictures taken at the top and the ones on the bottom
Good old british weather!!
The lavender I have has also been attracting the bees: there have been loads working away on this (not that I managed to caputure any on film!)