Saturday, 3 January 2015

FAL Roundup

Time to review my list from last quarter......    Hmmm, not brilliant, I really thought that I had done better! 

Lets start with the successes:

1   My Orphan block got completed and sent to Helen for her sewing room wall 

2   These two socks got their twin and were gifted to my cousin and her husband

3  Table runner complete and sitting in my conservatory waiting patiently for me to put it on Etsy! (not sure that I ever blogged about this finish, so hoping this will count)

Didn't finish these :-( 

 It wasn't all no sewing though, these are what I made that weren't on my list:

 So, maybe next quarter I should finish what I started before I go on to something else!

 Linking up with Katy for the last time: thanks for all your hard work Katy



  1. That wasn't bad at all, good luck for the next quarter :o)

  2. Your finishes are wonderful!

  3. What you did finish was great and the rest will be too!

  4. Congrats on your finishes. I seem to start more than I finish....

  5. Lovely finishes there C! And still a very productive quarter! Jxo


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