Friday, 25 November 2011

Catching up .... me hearties....

So, having got together all the stuff that I had tidied away and couldn't find, I finally got on with some sewing!
I have been putting together my mystery quilt squares:

I love how bright and vibrant this is - and they are colours that I would never normally choose, but I went along this route due to some fat quarters that I had been given.  I still have a star to piece and some 'infill' strips to do, but at least it is starting to come together!
I have also made one of these for a raffle prize

It is the christmas production for the 'am dram' kids group that the girls to tonight and tomorrow, so I thought I would run one up and put some spare smellies in

I am doing front of house again, selling raffle tickets, doing refreshments etc. The production is Treasure Island and we have to dress up as pirates.......


  1. Your mystery quilt is going to be stunning! And have fun at the production! Your raffle prize looks great!

  2. Look at you with your Champneys` products - pretending to us that you`re doing carnival queen things or revising when all the time you`re down at Champneys having a spa treatment! LOVE LOVE your mystery quilt. I have to do this - the different scales are so effective.

  3. Posh products inside the lovely pouch! That should sell tickets. Photos of you in pirate gear please.

  4. Great to see your Mystery continuing.........

  5. Fabulous cheerful looking mystery quilt blocks!


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