Saturday 11 February 2012

And even chillier!

Last night when I was driving home (about 11.30pm) my car was telling me that it was -7.5 outside.  I think some places in Lincolnshire reported -12 and lower.  Although it was chilly this morning, it was nice to walk in to the village and feel the sun on my face.

Beccy has been making these

and appears to have picked up my bad habit of leaving the needle in the arm of the settee, so I made her one of these:

This was a lot easier to make than the cathedral windows cushion that I made - and much quicker!  She now has no excuse for leaving her needles lying around!

I also made myself a needle case  today from this great tutorial

I have been wanting to make one for a while

Its nice and big too - about 6.5 inches tall, with a pocket as well, to hold scissor, thread etc

tonight I will be staying in, watching the rugby and doing some hand quilting.  I see we are forecast for heavy snow here tomorrow morning, turning to sleet later (boo) - so may stay inside for the day!


  1. Oooh great makes. The ladybird fabric is really cute.

  2. good work xx the weather man said parts of Linconshire got as low as -16 last night!!! Keep safe and warm xx

  3. Lovely stuff, especially the cute pin cushion! So cold where you are - it's quite mild where I am further north!

  4. Cute makes Cath! I haven't done C.Windows since college so I really need to get back into them, esp with so many lovely examples around. Jxo

  5. yep, it was -16 just down the road in Holbeach, and was about -14 here in Lincoln! Brrr, bloomin cold! We did nto get above freezing today, and it's another cold one! Lovely makes :)

  6. I love the little pin cushion. it is soo cute.

    the needlebook is lovely too.


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